School Projects
TMT - Teacher Mindfulness

Teacher Training Project
The Teachers Mindfulness Training project, addresses the new teaching model following COVID 19, which may impact the emotional wellbeing of teachers. This includes the challenges delayed learning, emotional and behavioural issues, health and safety measures and the pressures of additional assessment and examinations which have fell on the laps of our teachers in Northern Ireland.
This 4 workshop course will take teachers on a journey of Mindfulness and Neuroscience; learning the foundations of mindfulness and how the nervous system reacts (All content scenarios are specific to teachers). Teachers will be equipped with the skills of self emotional regulation, as well as tools to help emotionally regulate their students.
Mindful Teachers Change the World
Master of Emotions
Training Contagious Emotions
Regulating Classroom Dynamics
Teachers will receive access to the Connecting Minds Members section of this website. Here Teachers can download resources such as worksheets, journals, audios and MUCH MUCH more.
Nurture The

Nurture The Nuturer
We recognize that teachers play a vital role in shaping the lives of their students, but often their own well-being is overlooked. Our mission is to deliver empowering emotional resilience and mindfulness workshops to support and uplift the teachers in our education system.
At "Nurture the Nurturer," we understand the unique challenges and pressures that educators face on a daily basis. Teaching can be a demanding profession, and it is crucial for teachers to prioritize their own emotional well-being to ensure they can provide the best support and guidance to their students. That's why we have created a comprehensive program tailored to the needs of Northern Irish teachers.
Our workshops are designed to equip teachers with the tools and strategies they need to enhance their emotional resilience and mindfulness. We provide a safe and nurturing environment where teachers can explore various techniques to manage stress, cultivate self-care practices, and develop a strong sense of well-being. Through experiential activities, engaging discussions, and practical exercises, we empower teachers to nurture their own mental health and find balance in their lives.
Our team of experienced facilitators includes experts in emotional well-being, mindfulness, and teacher training. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to create an immersive and impactful learning experience. We believe that investing in teachers' emotional resilience not only benefits them personally but also positively impacts their students, school communities, and the overall educational system.
"Nurture the Nurturer" is committed to reaching teachers across Northern Ireland. We collaborate with schools and other educational organizations to deliver our workshops directly on-site. By bringing these sessions into schools, we ensure accessibility and convenience for teachers, minimizing any additional stress or time constraints.
Mindfulness Play

Primary School project
The Mindfulness Play project curriculum teachers Primary 1 - 7 students teaches young children the skills of Social - Emotional learning with its primary objective of regulation and self-awareness. These skills teach students not only how to recognize their thoughts, emotions, and actions, but also how to react in positive ways.
The best way for young children to learn the skills of Social - Emotional learning is through strategic play - Games. Students with participate in arts & craft, mindful movement, sensory and breathing games to help encourage a sense of well-being and gain tools to help with difficulties faced in future years.
Peer Support Transition Project

Primary 7 Transition Project & Year 8 Peer Support Training
The Peer Support Transition project was designed to support primary Y7 students as they transition into secondary school and up-skill Year 8 students in secondary schools with the Social - Emotional skills to support the new Y8 when they enter their school.
This is a three phase project
Phase one - Up-skill Year 8 Secondary school students in Peer Support training workshop. Students learn the art of Mirroring, Connecting with yourself & others and Reframing the mind away from critical judgements.
Phase two - With the support of the Peer Support trained Year 8 Secondary school students, the Year 7 Primary school students engage in Mindfulness (social & emotional skill development) workshops. In these workshops, Year 7 Primary school students learn techniques that support a positive mindset, recovery after facing challenges, building self esteem and making real connections others.
Phase three - A follow up workshop that revisits the group of new Year 8 Secondary school students who were previously Y7 Primary school students of this project in phase two. We host a focus group and design a video for the next Year 7 Primary school students
Connecting Through Compassion

Shared Education Project
With the Connecting Through Compassion project we bring together Year 8 students from diverse partner schools in Northern Ireland, including Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Integrated Secondary schools. Our project focuses on social emotional learning (SEL) and collaborative problem-solving.
Through interactive activities and workshops, we empower students to develop vital skills such as empathy, communication, and problem-solving. They actively participate in designing solutions for social emotional issues raised by their peers.
Aligned with the Mainstreaming Shared Education Strategy, our goal is to create inclusive learning environments and foster positive relationships across religious and socio-economic divides. We aim to make Shared Education a core feature of education in Northern Ireland, accessible to all students.
This is a Two Phase Project
Phase One - Students complete two workshops in their own school
Workshop 1 -
What is Mindfulness?
What are the benefits of Mindfulness?
Being aware of our thoughts
Investigating habits of thinking
Meeting unkind mind
Categories you put yourself and others into
Each student will be given a slam book to write questions for other students to answer. The slam books remain anonymous and will be delivered to their partner school for the questions to be answered by a Y8 student in that school who is also participating in the Connecting Through Compassion project.
Workshop 2 -
Investigating our emotions
Our reacting and impulse habits
Responding practice
The connection between gratitude and engagement
What is self esteem and compassion?
Loving Kindness practice
Phase Two
A focus group will be formed up of a selection of Y8 students from the two/three schools. Students in this focus group will build on the information shared by the students from their parter schools and design a solution to Social Emotional issues raised by their peers. Last year some of our students designed a pre-exam Mindfulness Club following the stress concerns expressed around exams. Other students created a 'Focus Bell' for the classroom, as concerns were raised around lack of focus in the classroom.
BEE Kind to Yourself

Inter - Generation Project
BEE Kind is a four session course with the focus on taking in the good. The target audiences are senior citizens in Residential and Day care facilities and sixth form secondary school students. The BEE Kind curriculum takes senior citizens on a journey of creating positive thinking patterns through Mindfulness, Breath work and gentle chair yoga movement.
BEE Kind to yourself
B - Breath
E - Enjoy
E - Engage
Sixth form students from local secondary schools help deliver the memory and positive thinking enhancing activities, with the support of our Mindfulness specialists. Students will visit and co-deliver the sessions in the elderly facility. The course includes interactive learning activities, worksheets and chair yoga. Sixth form students will complete a course curriculum called Blissful Elderly Encouragement training before co- facilitating each workshop.
B - Blissful
E - Elderly
E - Encouragement
Completion of this course will add to the sixth form student's study points for University application enhancement.
BEE Mindful Teens

Mindfulness For Teenagers In Secondary School Year (10-14) Project
The BEE Mindful Teens project follows the BEE Mindful curriculum. This is a four workshop course that encourages teenagers to self reflect, and build the tools of self regulation and resilience, which is a key skill towards maintaining wellbeing.
This project is specific to teenagers and the difficulties teenagers face. Following the completion of this course students will have designed their very own individual tool box of techniques to help overcome challenges they may face as they enter adolescence.
Four Workshop Topics
B - Breath
E - Enjoy
E - Engage
Dis-Ease vs Ease
Situational Sensations
Exchanging Resistance for Acceptance
Respond vs React